Sunday, August 25, 2024

Ideal Counting Calorie Benefits



Counting Calories Benefits Your Body

Counting calories benefits the entire body enabling people to eat satisfying nutritious low calorie food choices.  Approximately 30.7 percent of adults in the United States are considered overweight, defined by having a body mass index (BMI) 25- 29.5 in 2024.  Additionally 42.4 percent of U.S. Adults are classified as obese having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher.  Obesity is the accumulation of excessive body fat usually caused by consumption of more calories than the body can use.  The excess calories are stored as body fat or adipose tissue also known as body fat, a connective tissue that stores energy, insulates the body, and performs other functions. It is found in many places throughout the body including under the skin, between organs, and bone marrow.  Obesity was traditionally defined as an increase in body weight greater than 20 percent of an individual's ideal body weight, the body weight associated with the lowest risk of death with determined factors including a person's age, height, and gender. 

Causes of obesity is a complex matter that may include unhealthy eating patterns, such as consuming too many processed foods, beverages that are often high in calories and not eating enough fiber, fruit, and vegetables.  Other health behaviors can contribute to gaining weight including lack of physical activities leading to sedentary lifestyles.  Obesity is a costly disease often influenced by health behaviors, health conditions, medications, and environment.  Counting calories benefits individuals in taking steps to control dietary intake by eating low calorie whole food options following portion control guidelines to help prevent and reduce obesity.  “Dietary modifications is a common feature of lifestyle interventions as participants are encouraged to track their dietary intake through food journals and logs”.  PubMed Counting calories is made easy using the Clever Fox Food Journal, a daily Eating food diary, meal planner, to track calories and nutrients. 

Achieve your nutritional goals faster using the daily food journal to help you plan your meals in advance, track calories and nutrition intake effort to build lasting healthy eating habits one day at a time.  Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle boost energy or just get started on a healthy diet to improve your health using a food planner to count calories benefits you.  The Clever Fox Food Journal lasted for 6 months used as a perfect timeframe to achieve lasting results.  Following portion control is a great way to manage weight while improving overall health with mindful eating habits paying attention to every bite that you eat.  This can help you feel more satisfied with healthy food choices by eating an abundance of nutritious low calorie meals.  Using smaller plates and bowls makes your portions look larger and help you eat less.  Counting calories simplifies dieting using the latest strategies developed to help  manage weight. Greater Goods High Capacity kitchen food scale weighs in grams and ounces with a 22 pound capacity for accurate food measurements. 

Food scales help people eat the right amount of food at each meal to avoid overeating effort to maintain a healthy diet.  Research indicates when people tend to eat more when given larger portions of food which makes it harder to lose weight.  Eating more calories than you burn off can increase your risk of developing diabetes, obesity, cancer and heart disease.  Portion control helps keep dietary selections in perspective as counting calories benefits your body. 


Patricia Lynn 

Images Courtesy Of Sea Wave at AdobeStock 

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