Monday, May 17, 2021

Vitality Boost Energy Naturally

Increase Vitality Reduce Stress

Vitality is a powerful force of enhanced physiological performance that encourages healthy lifestyle habits among adults in the US. High stress can weaken the immune system and may cause fatigue in the body if left untreated as stress can impact overall health. Adults in the US who stated selected wellbeing activities were considered important to their personal lives seek solutions for reducing overall stress using natural methods.

Scientific research suggests adequate sleep is essential at any age, reduces stress, and may lower your risks of developing serious health problems including heart disease, diabetes. In America 70 percent of adults report they lack sufficient sleep at least one night per month, 11 percent report insufficient sleep every night. It is estimated that sleep related difficulties affect 50-70 million Americans of all age groups. Adequate sleep powers the mind invigorates the body, restoring vitality, and fortifies virtually every system in the body.

National Sleep Foundation guidelines advise healthy adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Sleep is essential for being your best both mentally, physically restoring vitality provides the body with increased energy during the day while reducing stress. Make sleep a priority in your schedule allocate specific times for rest so that social or work activities don't trade-off for sleep. Chronic lack of sleep increases the potential impaired physical performance increased fatigue feelings of lethargy lack of enthusiasm. Adequate quality sleep can rejuvenate vitality living life to the fullest extent in daily activities. 

B Vitamins Increase Energy

B vitamin complex helps a wide variety of enzymes do their jobs ranging from releasing energy from carbohydrates, fats and breaking down amino acids enabling transportation of oxygen and energy containing nutrients around the body. Most people in the United States get enough vitamin B12 from the foods they consume, but some people may have trouble absorbing B12 from food sources that may lead to deficiencies. 

Vitamin B12 or cobalamin is naturally found in animal foods including beef, chicken, fish, shellfish, and fortified cereals. Vitamin B12 is needed to form red blood cells and DNA synthesis the genetic material in cells.  All B vitamins play a role in converting food into energy in the body naturally increasing vitality through dietary or supplemental sources. Vitamin B12 also helps prevent a type of anemia called megaloblastic anemia that makes people tired and week.

According to a systematic review and meta-analysis of low levels of B12 and folate, a dairy equivalent of folic acid to B9 may be associated with depression in older adults. The amount of vitamin B12 a person requires each day depends on your age. The National Institute of Health Office Of Dietary Supplements suggests older adults may require higher doses of some B vitamins in order to meet daily recommendations.

B vitamin complex supplements may be beneficial in restoring vitality, increasing physical energy is considered generally safe when a person takes as directed, only taking high doses under a doctor's guidance. When possible people should obtain B vitamins from eating a variety of healthful food choices, however, some people benefit from taking B-complex supplements.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Shutterstock

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