Sunday, February 28, 2021

Essential Strength Training Exercises

Workout Strength Training Exercises

Strength training performing exercises at your location may be a convenient way to get in shape. Resistance training involves physical exercises designed to target specific muscle groups ultimately increasing endurance. Building lean muscles toning the entire body is the best way to burn off body fat even when your workout is complete.  Combining healthy dietary choices with regular exercise is beneficial to your wellness. Strength training is often associated with the use of weights but it can take a variety of forms with each exercise.

Weight training is a common type of strength training designed to develop the size and strength of skeletal muscles.  When properly performed strength training can provide significant functional benefits for the body leading to improved overall health. Strength training can be performed with minimal or no equipment performing bodyweight exercises using your own body weight. 

Bodyweight Strength Training

Bodyweight exercises are strength training exercises that use the individual's own weight to provide resistance against gravity. Bodyweight exercises enhance flexibility, full range of motion increasing strength, power, endurance performing a series of yoga poses on a mat can benefit the entire body. Other types of bodyweight exercises can strengthen the upper extremities, arms, chest, abdominals, hips, legs, and thighs.

Wall Push-Ups

Wall push ups can strengthen your chest, arms, trapezius triangular muscles extending over the back of the neck, and shoulders. Perform wall push ups standing with your feet hip distance apart.  Stand 2 feet away from a secure wall with your hands placed at shoulder level on the wall. Lean forward then push back to a standing position for each pushup. Perform 10-20 repetitions per set 3 times per week.  Wall pushups are generally easier to perform compared to traditional push-ups performed on matt yielding the same results.

Squats Strength Training

Squats are a strength training exercise that trains the lower hips from a standing position. Squats are considered a vital exercise that increases the strength and size of the lower body muscles and core strength.  The movement begins in a standing position then moving the hips back while bending at the knees as if you are sitting halfway down then stand straight. Perform 15-20 squat repetitions per set 3 times per week as part of strength training exercises.

Intensify the exercise by holding 5-10 pound hand weights in each hand adding more resistance with each squat. Dumbbells are a type of free weights a piece of equipment used in strength training used as a pair or individually. Bodyweight squats are done with no weight or barbell often performed at higher repetitions per set than other variants.

Core Strength Training

Core strength training exercises can train the muscles in the lower back, hips, pelvis, and abdominal areas. Perform abdominal bent leg raise lay on a matt flat on your back with a slight bend at the knee, hands at your side. The movement begins lifting your feet off the matt bring the knees into your abdomen as an abdominal crunch. Lower the feet back to the matt.  Repeat bent leg raise 20-30 repetitions per set as part of your strength training workout routine.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Shutterstock

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