Monday, August 17, 2020

Counting Calories Simplify Dieting Solutions

counting calories
Successful Dieting Habits Counting Calories

Counting calories per day is essential for managing weight control and may be time consuming for most adults. Simplify any diet planning meals in advance selecting foods high in nutritional value low in calories.  Eliminating processed foods high in trans fats, salt, and sugar will substantially reduce calories overall. Counting calorie calculators can be used to estimate the number of calories a person needs to consume each day based on age height current weight combining several equations. How many calories do I need to eat per day? 

According to Health Gov dietary guidelines depend on calorie consumption requirements vary between each individual based on several factors including a person's height, sex, weight including activity level of metabolic rate the number of calories required to keep the body functioning at peak levels, energy expenditure while at rest. Counting calories per day is not an exact science estimating calories consumed will provide a guideline to follow when planning healthy meal selections. 

The average man requires 2,500 healthy calories per day to maintain weight and 2,000 calories per day to lose weight each week subtracting 500 calories each day.  The average woman requires 2,000 calories healthy calories per day to maintain weight and 1,500 calories per day to lose weight reducing consumption by 500 calories per day. Counting calories does not have to be complicated, reading food labels can provide insight on package contents.  Reducing 500 calories per day from your diet can be substantial eliminating 3,500 calories per week.

Strategic Plan For Weight Loss

People often eat too many calories consuming sweetened beverages, tempting treats or processed foods without even realizing they are over-eating, slowly packing on extra weight. Changing eating habits is essential for reducing calories per day by consuming a healthy diet plan packed full of nutritious foods. Combined with regular exercise helps your body work synergistically as one into the fat burning zone. Select a diet plan suited to your needs combined with a fitness program encouraging healthy lifestyle choices.

Plan for weight loss make healthy eating easy choosing a program developed by registered dietitians and personal chefs who develop delicious low calorie meals maximizing your nutritional intake and estimate calories per day with each dish. A diet should include 10-20 percent of protein consumed each day building lean muscle mass. It is essential for increasing the metabolism to burn off calories effectively. Your body uses protein to build and repair muscle tissue, make enzymes, hormones, and other bodily chemicals it needs to function properly.

Protein is the building blocks of bone, skin, cartilage, blood, hair, nails. It is essential to consume small portions of protein in 3-4 ounces equally spaced throughout the day to meet dietary requirements boost metabolism. Count calories per day to establish a guideline to follow as indicators gaging how many calories should be consumed at each meal. Each person's daily caloric intake may vary based on personal goals experts estimate eating 5 small meals equally spaced throughout the day may be beneficial for weight loss.

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Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Shutterstock

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