Monday, August 24, 2020

Self Care Lifestyle Strategies Balance Wellness


Self Care Essentials

Self care strategies have become prevalent recently as people search for health related solutions. Regular exercise has been proven to substantially improve weight loss enhancing total body wellness.  Physical fitness is essential for a person's ability to perform daily activities at work or during sports activities. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, people who participate in regular physical exercise improve overall health.  Recommended guidelines suggest adults should perform daily regular exercise moving more and sitting less. 

Walking once per day for 30-60 minutes at moderate speed can strengthen the heart and lungs and improve the body's ability to use oxygen.  Aerobic exercise is beneficial for the heart referred as aerobic conditioning, a process where heart and lungs are physically trained to pump blood throughout the body more efficiently allowing more oxygen to be transported to muscles and organs.  Cycling provides tremendous benefits for the body as a cardio workout that is easy on the joints. Cycling performed on a stationary bike or outdoors using a bike equipped for specific trails including mountain bikes is an excellent exercise. 

Pushing pedals provides a great aerobic workout that triggers the release of endorphins to invoke positive feelings of wellbeing. Build lean muscle cycling boosting the metabolism converting food into energy to burn off unwanted body fat riding at mild to moderate speed for 30 minutes or more per session for a great aerobic workout. 

Embrace Optimism

Improve your life embrace enthusiasm in finding creative lifestyle solutions to solve common problems. Optimism is key, reflecting on feelings of hope that a future outcome will be a positive experience sets an attitude of expectation in favor of attainment. Emotional well being is an essential aspect of self care finding inspiration through innovative ideas often leads to productive solutions in everyday life. Author of 100 Ways To Simplify Your Life by Joice Meyer writes books, holds conferences across dozens of cities and ministries around the world while running Joyce Meyer Ministries.

Joyce shares effective secrets she has learned over the years on making the most out of each minute of each day, may change your perspective on daily living. Spending time each day in quiet meditation at the beginning of each day reduces stress while creating a clear vision focusing on the present or future moments. Reflecting on devotional meditations reduces negative emotions, increasing self awareness improves your skills aligning your ideas with attainable actions that may lead to positive results through physical and emotional wellbeing.

Diet Essentials For Self Care

As the saying goes you are what you eat, diet plays an essential role in a person's life. Obesity is a common serious disease among adults in the United States. Self care dieting strategies have been proven effective for managing weight successfully reducing the effects of developing disease. Obesity-related conditions include certain types of cancers, Type 2 Diabetes, and heart disease that often cause preventable premature death. A healthy diet plan high in antioxidants, fiber, nutrients will enhance a person's ability to lose weight as part of their self-care wellness strategies.

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Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Shutterstock

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