Monday, August 10, 2020

Yoga Workout Benefits Entire Body

Yoga Increase Physical Fitness

Yoga is a form of exercise promoting spiritual, mental physical practices of disciplines originating in ancient India thought to date back to 3000 BCE.  Studies suggest 37 million Americans practice yoga, up significantly from 20 million active participants in 2012.  Outside India yoga has developed into a postural based fitness routine often used to increase flexibility used for relaxation techniques. Studies suggest people who practice yoga 3 times per week increase metabolism managing weight effectively. Yoga stretching has become popular among people worldwide for a variety of reasons exercising to a sequence of poses designed to build lean muscle while losing body fat benefiting the entire body.

Stretching is typically used by athletes to increase range full of motion moving as far anatomically as possible during any given exercise. Yoga benefits the sports enthusiast adding the practice to their regular exercise regime boost physical performance substantially improves balance, posture, and flexibility. Performing regularly yoga can increase core abdominal strength may help reduce future injuries. In rehabilitation yoga is often used as a form of physical therapy to aid in healing, gaining flexibility in muscular tissues while providing a form of deep relaxation.

Flexible muscles reduce the risks of injuries increasing physical strength making everyday activities easier on the body. Yoga routines typically vary in length of duration from 30-60 minutes often available for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels. As you progress in your yoga fitness routine workouts become more challenging in complexity building strength and endurance using targeted sequins of poses. Stretching is commonly used as a form of exercise in which muscles and tendons are deliberately extended to increase flexibility in order to improve muscle tone.

Lose Weight With Yoga

Using your own body weight perform yoga exercises building muscle holding each pose for a short duration in consecutive repetitions in each routine. Downward facing dog pose elongates the entire body stretching the arms torso, legs and back improve blood flow throughout each muscle group. Increasing flexibility is essential for maintaining vitality in physical fitness to gain strength using dynamic stretching yoga poses.  Yoga for weight loss tone sculpt lean muscles burning off calories using weight bearing exercises to lose weight while gaining flexibility. Implementing healthy lifestyle choices including sensible dieting combined with regular exercise has been scientifically proven to significantly reduce body weight. 

Yoga is considered holistic therapy has increased in popularity to reduce stress potentially producing favorable physical and mental clarity among people of all ages. Studies indicate yoga benefits weight loss boosting the metabolism to burn off calories effectively with each routine losing body fat. Routines can be found in different durations. from 10 minutes to 60 minutes long varying in length of time and difficulty of poses. 

Studies indicate people who practice regular yoga exercises showed increased physical and mental improvements in social behaviors. Large muscle groups develop performing yoga hips, legs, and thighs toning the entire body managing weight effectively stretching each muscle group optimizes your workout using progressive yoga stretches designed to increase the metabolism burn off body fat.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of ShutterStock

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