Sunday, June 18, 2023

Enhance Immunity Naturally



Healthy Lifestyle Enhance Immunity

Enhance immunity naturally keeping the immune system strong enabling the body to fight off common infections due to cold and flu. For many people with signs of respiratory illness, or lung disease minor infections may become life threatening if left untreated. It is important to enhance immunity daily with preventive measures strengthening body defenses against developing symptoms of cough or congestion. In addition to taking precautionary measures including frequent hand washing and avoiding people who are sick, enhancing immunity may help ward off symptoms of cold and flu. Historical theories have been analyzed for thousands of years analyzing causes of disease and the concept of immunity, the state of being resistant to pathogens or infectious disease. In whole your immune system does a remarkable job defending you against microorganisms that may cause illness. A germ may invade your body making you sick with a debilitating illness.

Enhancing your immune system with healthy lifestyle choices eating a diet rich in antioxidants combined with regular exercise and natural herbal preparations may strengthen immunity as precautionary measures with the hope of producing near perfect immune response. To function well the immune system requires balance and harmony to function well. Your first defense against developing disease is to choose a healthy lifestyle selecting foods high in nutritional value packed with antioxidants, fiber, fatty acids considered beneficial for a person's health. Common superfoods like beans, black beans, soybeans, kidney beans, berries, cranberries, blackberries, strawberries, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, fish, salmon, tuna, cod, sardines, leafy greens, spinach, kale, collard greens, peas are high in nutritional value including antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins, and minerals.  

The high vitamin and mineral content in superfoods can enhance immunity helping to ward off infectious diseases in the body. When superfoods are incorporated into the diet with lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables these foods can promote good health. Spirulina is green algae that has a rich range of vitamins E, C, and B6 and minerals essential for maintaining a healthy immune system. Organic Spirulina micro ingredients supplement is 3000 MG per serving tablet form is a rich vegan form of chlorophyll, fiber, amino acids, omega 3,6,9, GLA, arginine, fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin, B2, vitamin 12, vitamin C, vitamin K, Botin, Minerals, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, flavonoids, phytonutrients, and antioxidants. Organic Spirulina tablets powerfully support energy, colon health, and digestive function, and enhance immunity naturally. Spirulina is a type of blue green algae that is rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, carotenoids consumed by humans and animals.

Fight flu with preventable actions. The study of nutritional influences on enhancing immunity represent growing interest to nutritionists, food scientists, hematologists, and immunologists as the immune system cells within the digestive tract are accessible and an ideal target to stimulate immunity and probably enhance red cell production and function. Spirulina a cyanobacterium blue green algae commonly used as a dietary supplement is amongst the most nutritionally packed dietary supplements available says PubMed Central.  Natural remedies like Elderberry Syrup are known as powerful cold preventive treatments made with antioxidants rich blackish purple elderberries to help provide powerful immune support for the body. Sambucol Black Elderberry syrup is a dietary supplement scientifically tested to give your natural immune system a boost in year round immune support.  The syrup tastes great and is free from gluten and artificial flavorings. Enhance immunity by combining healthy lifestyle habits in diet and exercise in an effort to prevent illness from pathogens.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy Of Photoiris2021 at AdobeStock

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