Sunday, May 14, 2023

Blueberries Wholesome Goodness



Blueberries Healthy Nutrition

Blueberries are comprised of several American shrubs of the genus Vaccinium family Ericaceae prized for their sweet edible fruits. Acknowledged as a superfood, blueberries are an excellent source of dietary fiber, iron, manganese, vitamin K, vitamin C, and a number of antioxidant compounds that scavenge free radicals from body cells and prevent or reduce the damage caused by oxidation. Blueberries are commonly consumed fresh in many delicious healthy recipes in smoothies, sauces, pies, garnishes, toppings, jellies, jams, and compote.  Blueberries are closely related to bilberries, cranberries, lingonberry, and huckleberry which are also members of the Vaccinium genus family. The fruits of several species are consumed by humans considered to have commercial importance. Blueberries are native to North America and were first cultivated in 1916 for their delectable edible fruit. Native Americans recognized the versatility and health benefits of eating blueberries using them for medicinal purposes and for natural flavorings in foods.

In 2021 the United States produced and utilized 660 million cultivated blueberries including high bush and rabbit eye varieties amounting to 353.6 million pounds sold as fresh blueberries and 306.4 million pounds were processed. In total fresh and processed cultivated blueberries are valued at 720.2 million. Today the United States will be the largest producer of blueberries in 2023.  The plants are deciduous perennial shrubs that range in size from 60 cm (40 inches tall) to low bush blueberry variety Vaccinium angustifolium that grows up to 40 meters or 13 feet tall for high bush V. corymbosum cultivars. Growing blueberries in your own garden is fascinating to see as attractive plant bumblebees work diligently pollinating each flower enabling the production of seeds and a number of diverse nonsocial native bees to North America and Europe as honey bee pollinators of various is effective on high blueberry plants. Gardeners can expect to harvest 5 to 10 pounds of blueberry fruit per plant from mature high bush blueberries.

Half high blueberries usually produce on to 3 pounds of fruit per plant. The Blueberry collection from Burpee contains one plant Spartan, Elliott, Blueray, Bluejay, and Bluecrop. The five plants included in the collection will yield enough blueberries for a family of four. Blueberries are well known for their powerful antioxidants as a proven cancer fighter. Blueberries are only 83 calories per one cup serving eaten as a healthy naturally sweet low calorie nutritious fruit option. Other blueberry varieties available at Burpee are Blueberry Misty, Blueberry Jersey, Blueberry Top Hat, Blueberry Patriot, Blueberry Pink Lemonade, Blueberry Razz, Blueberry Bluecrop, Blueberry Northland, Blueberry Southern Collection, Blueberry Mini Blues, Blueberry Chandler, Blueberry Duke, Blueberry Northblue, and Blueberry Reka. Blueberries promote good health due to the pigmentation called anthocyanins, a class of polyphenols, a naturally occurring plant compound increasingly associated with heart health.

A daily dose of blueberries could improve brain and heart health, says Medical News. Epidemiological studies associate regular to moderate intake of blueberries and or other anthocyanins with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, death, type 2 diabetes with improved weight maintenance and neuroprotection.  It is widely agreed that the regular consumption of tasty ripe blueberries is unconditionally recommended, says ScienceDirect.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Brook Lark at Unsplash   

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