Saturday, May 7, 2022

Drinking Water Hydrates The Body



Prioritize Drinking Water

Drinking water benefits the entire body especially in warmer weather as temperatures rise drinking fluids throughout the day is essential. Drinking 6-8 ounces of pure water each day can help avoid dehydration. Physical energy is essential for mental and physical performance in everyday activities.  Common conditions caused by dehydration often decrease energy levels resulting in fatigue, mental depression, or lethargy.  Exhaustion can lead to chronic sleeplessness, muscle weakness, and impaired judgment in making decisions. Hydration benefits the cardiovascular system by normalizing blood pressure and stabilizing the heartbeat. Drinking water throughout the day is essential for good health flushing bacteria from the body aids in good digestion. Every cell in our bodies requires water to perform various functions including regulating the body's temperature essential for maintaining good health.  Water makes up 65-75 percent of the body, hydrates the skin, maintains the system's stability, flushes waists and toxins from the body, lubricates joints, and acts as a shock absorber when performing physical exercise. 

Drinking water is essential for transporting essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins throughout the body to be metabolized for assimilation.  Staying hydrated helps dissolve minerals and nutrients making them more accessible to the body while protecting organs and tissues.  Drinking plenty of water each day has been proven to be beneficial for overall health with zero-calorie intake improves metabolism, helps you lose weight, cleanses your body of waste, and also decreases water retention Unhealthy eating habits in the United States have contributed to the obesity epidemic among one-third of US Adults at 33.8 percent of adults are obese and approximately 12.5 million children and adolescents are considered obese indicating poor eating habits. Nutritionists suggest food therapy for restoring vitality by combining a basic high-energy diet that consists of 65% complex carbohydrates. organic vegetables and fruits, legumes, whole grains and drinking water in part of a balanced diet plan.

Drinking water benefits the entire body and helps maximize physical performance. Eating clean foods has been proven to promote physical energy, lose weight and help to reduce certain conditions. Drinking water throughout the day can adequately hydrate the body protecting organs and tissues and cushioning the joints. Dasani purified water enriched with minerals containing magnesium and potassium chloride. It is water that has been filtered through reverse osmosis or other suitable methods to render it suitable for drinking. Adequate magnesium levels promote stress reduction and good sleep because magnesium is crucial for the body's function, promotes healthy blood vessels, regulates blood pressure and is necessary for bone formation, and may help reduce the risks of osteoporosis.  Athletes require extra magnesium while exercising to increase endurance levels may help relieve muscle spasms while working out.  Potassium, an electrolyte mineral found in bodily fluids, works well with sodium, balances the acid-alkaline system, and transmits signals between cells and nerves enhancing athletic performance. 

Drinking water promotes heart health and may reduce the risks of hypertension, stroke may ease tension in blood vessel walls reducing blood pressure, helping oxygenate the brain, and enhancing cognitive function for clear thinking. Drinking adequate amounts of water may increase hydration energy expenditure. Sugar Detox improves your waistline eliminating fattening foods will enhance physical energy. Drinking water with freshly squeezed lemon suppresses the appetite while flushing out toxins from the body. Excessive consumption of sugar can be harmful to your body as a major interference in the natural healing process and metabolism of food. If you have sugar regulation difficulties such as hypoglycemia or diabetes consult your doctor for a full consultation and treatment plan to include a proper diet.  Increase physical performance by eliminating sugary drinks, sweets, and treats from your diet. Calories consumed from sweeteners will spike insulin levels storing unwanted fat in cells distributed in the abdominal area, buttock, thighs, and legs. Drinking water or unsweetened beverages can lower calorie intake for managing weight successfully.

When weight is optimal physical energy is increased. Stay hydrated Drinking pure water is vital for every function in the body second to oxygen and is essential for weight loss success.  Water makes up 65-75 percent of the body helping every cell perform important functions to promote physical energy. Drinking enough water aids in the reduction of sodium in the body while regulating hormones to stabilize. It is recommended to drink 6-8 glasses of water throughout the day to help maintain hydration internally. Proper hydration can help flush out fats, and toxins while regulating body temperature. Drinking water can increase weight loss by eliminating toxins and fat from the body resulting in an increase in physical energy. Hint fruit-flavored water delivers refreshment without sugars, diet sweeteners, extra calories, or preservatives as a delicious beverage you will want to drink. 

Dehydration can be prevented by drinking water adequate amounts of fluids, partially water, and other beverages throughout the day, helping the body rid of waste through perspiration and urination.  Pure water cleans the body from the inside out and aids in weight loss. It can help you burn off more calories while suppressing your appetite. Health can be affected in as little as three days if natural sleep patterns are interrupted due to dehydration as sleep deprivation, blood sugar levels rise and hormone imbalances occur in physical energy levels drop. Disease can develop over time, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, stress, anxiety, depression, hypoglycemia, overeating, vitamin B deficiency, asthma, drug addictions to nicotine or other drugs, and toxic liver overload of high levels of copper in the liver. Dehydration occurs when a person lacks the proper amount of fluids needed for the body to function optimally even while you sleep throwing off your circadian rhythm and making it difficult for you to stay asleep.

Get more fluids by consuming foods high in water content including soups, stews, celery, and watermelon. Mellons, and tomatoes. It is recommended to consume 6-8 ounce glasses of water each day to stay hydrated replacing fluids throughout the day. Drinking water is essential for good health benefiting the entire body from the inside out. Sports drinks can replace electrolytes and fluids and replenish the body's potassium levels, boosting energy. Electrolytes regulate muscle and nerve function, hydrate the body and help rebuild damaged tissue while balancing blood pressure and acidity vital for normal functioning in the human body. Levels of electrolytes can become too high or too low, may lead to an imbalance in the body, and can be affected by water levels as well as other factors. Drinking water benefits the entire body by carrying nutrients and oxygen to cells and boosting physical energy.


Patricia Lynn

Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash 

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