Monday, July 27, 2020

Hydration Quench Your Thirst Promote Good Health

Boost Physical Performance With Hydration
Hydration benefits the entire body especially in warmer weather as temperatures rise drinking fluids throughout the day is essential. Every cell in our bodies requires water to perform various functions including regulating the body's temperature essential for maintaining good health.  Water makes up 65-75 percent of the body hydrates the skin, maintains the system's stability, flushes waists and toxins from the body, lubricates joints, acts as a shock absorber when performing physical exercise. 

Water is essential for transporting essential vitamins, minerals, proteins throughout the body to be metabolized for assimilation.  Staying hydrated helps dissolve minerals and nutrients making them more accessible to the body while protecting organs and tissues.  Drinking water each day has been proven to be beneficial for overall health with zero calorie intake improves metabolism, helping you lose weight, cleanses your body of waste, and also decreases water retention. Hint fruit-flavored water delivers refreshment without sugars, diet sweeteners, extra calories or preservatives as a delicious beverage. 

Prevent Dehydration
Dehydration can be prevented by drinking adequate amounts of fluids particularly water and other beverages throughout the day, helping the body rid of waste through perspiration and urination.  Pure water cleans the body from the inside out aides in weight loss it can help you burn off more calories while suppressing the appetite. Dehydration occurs when a person lacks the proper amount of fluids needed for the body to function optimally. Get fluids consuming foods high in water content including soups, stews, celery watermelon, melons, and tomatoes. 

It is recommended to drink 6-8 ounce glasses of water each day to stay hydrated replacing fluids throughout the day. Sports drinks can replace electrolytes and fluids replenish the body's potassium levels boosting energy. Electrolytes regulate muscle and nerve function hydrates the body and helps rebuild damaged tissue whale balancing blood pressure and acidity vital for normal functioning in the human body.

Levels of electrolytes can become too high or too low may lead to an imbalance in the body, can be affected by water levels as well as other factors.  Dasani purified water enriched with minerals containing magnesium and potassium chloride. It is water that has been filtered through reverse osmosis or other suitable methods to render it suitable for drinking.

Adequate magnesium levels promote stress reduction and good sleep because magnesium is crucial for the body's function, promotes healthy blood vessels, regulates blood pressure and is necessary for bone formation and may help reduce the risks of osteoporosis.  Athletes require extra magnesium while exercising to increase endurance levels may help relieve muscle spasms while working out.  Potassium an electrolyte mineral found in bodily fluids works well with sodium balances the acid-alkaline system transmits signals between cells and nerves enhancing athletic performance. 

It promotes heart health and may reduce the risks of hypertension, stroke may ease tension in blood vessels walls reducing blood pressure, helps oxygenate the brain, and enhances cognitive function for clear thinking. Drinking adequate amounts of water may increase hydration energy expenditure.
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Patricia Lynn
Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash

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