Monday, June 3, 2019

Grains Healthy Benefits For Weight Control

Healthy Benefits of Grains Weight Management
Grains are an essential part of any diet plan providing the body with iron and fiber providing the body with nutritional support.  Healthy grains are vital for promoting good health lowering cholesterol reducing body fat eating fewer calories. According to The United States of Agriculture consuming a diet rich in whole grains may reduce the risk of heart disease.
Dietary fiber from whole gains is the portion of the plant that can not be broken down into digestive enzymes for the body to process. Grains containing fiber provide a feeling of fullness when eating in moderation.  

Benefits Of Grains
Fiber is typically found in fresh vegetables fruits, and whole grains packed with nutritional value including B vitamins,riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, folate, and minerals, selenium, magnesium. Grains containing fiber may reduce the risk of heart disease show promising health benefits.  

Cereal grains are commonly consumed as a lite breakfast for weight management providing essential vitamins, minerals and protein needed to kick start your day to boost physical performance. Check labels to find grain cereals low in sugar, low in calories per serving, high in nutritional value for best nutritional value.  

Top 5 Grains
Whole Wheat
Brown Rice
Whole Grain Barley
Whole oats

Grains High In Fiber & Nutrition
Benefits of insoluble fiber from grain psyillium does not dissolve in water into digestive enzymes in the upper gastrointestinal tract proved bulking fibers to absorb water to move through the digestive tract easily. Forms of insoluble fiber including restraint starches that are fermented in the large intestine benefits human health through the production of short chain fatty acids play an important role in disease prevention.  

It may reduce the risks of inflammation, heart disease, diabetes and other conditions. Cellulose a polysaccharide is one of the main components of insoluble dietary fiber found in the cell walls of all plant material.

Soluble fiber dissolves in water then fermented in the colon as byproducts including a short chain fatty acid produced in the colon by gut bacteria.  Sources of soluble fiber can be found in oat bran, brown rice, oats, barley may help reduce blood cholesterol levels by lowering low density lipoprotein bad cholesterol levels in the body.

Whole Grains Promote Heart Health
Research indicates consuming a diet high in soluble fiber has tremendous benefits reducing blood pressure, internal inflammation, promotes heart health. A healthy diet is well balanced containing a mix of grains.

Nutritious foods including proteins, grain carbohydrates, and fats is broken down and absorbed as part of the typical digestive process. Whole gains are a great source of magnesium a mineral used to release energy from the muscles and  build strong bones. Selenium found in grains is important for cell function preventing oxidation neutralizing free radical damage in cells may prevent disease.

Fiber is not digested in the digestive tract instead in passes through the stomach, into the small intestine and colon relatively intact for elimination out of your body.  Consume gains in moderation for the health benefits of managing weight while increasing good dietary nutrition.
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Patricia Lynn
Images Courtesy of silviarita at

Grains distinctive flavors packed with nutritional value eaten to  promote good health prevent heart disease

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