Monday, May 27, 2019

Counting Calories Benefits Weight Loss Strategies Improve Health

Lose Weight Counting Calories

Counting Calories easily calculated using a calorie calculator or fitness app to estimate the number of calories a person needs to consume each day.  Not all calories are not considered the same. According to the Department of Health choosing a variety of healthy foods helps you meet dietary guidelines.

Studies suggest empty calories from refined foods have little or no nutritional will be stored as fat.  Calories from healthy foods have a huge impact on the body boosting energy naturally increases weight loss. Eating foods high in calories and not exercising enough leads to excessive weight gain in most individuals when we consume more calories than we burn up as fuel.  

Manage Weight Counting Calories
Eating fewer calories and exercising more often promotes weight loss while building muscle. Studies indicate being obese or overweight can lead to health risks including type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and high cholesterol. Excessive body fat is stored when an individual eats processed refined foods high in calories.

Fortunately eliminating specific foods can reduce empty calories with little nutritional value leaving room for foods high in nutrition. Eating the correct portion of healthy calories will help you stay on track with your diet. Calorie requirements for each person depend on many factors including gender, age, size and physical activity level a person excludes.

Calorie Recommendations
Typically managing weight can be accomplished eating healthy calories used as fuel during physical activities. Calorie recommendations for active women are 2,000 calories per day to maintain weight or 1,500 healthy calories to start losing weight.  Men need to consume 2,500 calories per day to maintain weight and 2,000 healthy calories per day to steadily lose weight.

The average person who consumes 2,000 calories per day can successfully lose weight eliminating 500 calories from your diet each day to lose one pound at a time. Consume nutritious foods high in vitamins, minerals including fresh organic fruits and vegetables low in calories combined with lean proteins low in saturated fats to lose weight fast.

Saturated Fats Facts
Saturated fats are high in calories, solid at room temperature, derived from animal products, including whole milk, cream cheese, butter, and fatty meats high in cholesterol Specific vegetable oils contain saturated fats including palm kernel oil and coconut oil.

Good For You Monounsaturated Fats
Monounsaturated fat is a type of good fat to consider when counting calories. Polyunsaturated fats both are liquid at room temperature but start to harden when chilled. Diets Monounsaturated fats considered good calories, benefit your health in several ways including reducing LDL cholesterol levels lowering your risk to stroke and heart disease.

According to the FDA United States, Drug and Food Association suggests aiming for healthy fats including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats to provide calories for the body. Healthy fats have been proven to be beneficial calories helping the body absorb vitamins, assist in many bodily functions. Polyunsaturated fats are vital for normal functions in the body and can not be made by the body, it must be obtained from food.  

Bonus Offer
7 Day FREE Trial My Fitness App includes detailed resources including custom fitness plan, several diet plans to choose from and tracking capabilities. It syncs with all trackers effortlessly. MyFitness App to enable delicious meal plans and workout regimen to ensure success.
Patricia Lynn
Images Courtesy of silviarita at Pixbay

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