Thursday, January 18, 2018

Boost Brain Power With Herbal Botanicals Sharpening Mental Powers

boost brain

How to Increase Brain Power and Concentration
Boost brain power naturally through herbal supplementation, proper diet, and exercise.  Perhaps you have lost your keys or entered a room to retrieve an object only to realize you have forgotten where you left your keys or why you entered the room, to begin with.  Forgetfulness can be attributed to many factors including stress, insomnia or age-related disorders.  A faltering thyroid can disturb natural sleep patterns as well as effect memory and may lead to depression if gone untreated.  

As baby boomers begin to age reaching 60 plus years feel the effects of archery muscles, fatigue and worry about declining memory.  Vital functions of the brain can be enhanced by following a sensible diet and fitness program.  You are what you eat, Studies indicate those who follow a sensible diet and fitness plan have more energy throughout the day and increased brain function.

Your diet plays a huge role in your brain health and can either promote or prevent neurodegeneration.  Top foods to help boost brain power include the following list.  Reap the benefits from frozen or fresh organic fruits and vegetables and get adequate amounts of omega 3 fatty acids from salmon, DHA and fish oils to boost brain power.

Boost Brain Power Tips
  • Eat organic fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, nuts, walnuts, flax seeds, almonds, chia seeds, 
  • Eliminate processed foods, sugar, sugary drinks and snacks, white flour 
  • Use olive oil in cooking recipes
  • Spice up your food with Turmeric, Rosemary, Curcumin, Spanish Sage
  • Blueberries
  • Wild Salmon
Consuming the right foods will boost brain power elevating foggy thought patterns while increasing performance.  Synapses is the key function of the brain essential for the cell to cell communication.  The human brain is estimated to have approximately 100 trillion synapses.  Any interruption in natural function due to inflammation, poor diet, or disease can contribute to negative concentration capabilities. 

Fight Fatigue naturally by implementing the latest practical strategies known to date. Consuming a diet low in sugar, processed foods, and transfats fats can aid in the reduction of an inflammatory response in the body.

Flavonoid Luteolin Powerful Brain Boosters Luteolin is a flavone a type of flavonoid with a yellow crystalline appearance.  Dietary sources include celery, peppermint leaves, broccoli, green peppers, rosemary, thyme, dandelion, perilla, chamomile tea, parsley, carrots, olive oil, and navel oranges.  Luteolin is also found in the seeds of the palm.  

Flavonoids are naturally occurring compounds mostly found in edible seeds and green plants, tea, wine soy, berries, apples, and legumes are powerful foods you can consume to boost brain function. 

Brain boosting foods including specific herbs have shown to increase mental clarity capacity using nutrition instead of Pharmacology treatments.   

What Causes Brain Fog?
Low thyroid function, chronic fatigue syndrome, adrenal insufficiency all contribute to brain fog.  Hormonal imbalances in the body are related to the same components as inflammation possibly caused by sensitivities to allergies, poor diet and lack of proper rest.

Medical conditions associated with inflammation
including fatigue or changes in blood glucose level can contribute to brain fog.  Fight inflammation naturally with probiotics to promote overall health.

There are many factors that may cause brain fog or forgetfulness the inability to remember specific facts or where you put an object are all too common due to changes in your body.

  • Medications
  • Pregnancy
  • Multiple Sclerosis MS
  • Chemotherapy- treatment of cancer
  • Injury
  • Menopause
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Depression
  • Poor sleep patterns
  • Lupus
Seek medical attention if you or someone close to you is suffering from brain fog or any sort of memory problem as this may indicate a more serious condition.  For healthy adults and children, small changes in diet can have a huge impact on your health by following an organic diet plan and for those who are struggling with a medical condition. 

Exercising boosts brain power cognition for two reasons, by increasing oxygen levels in the brain which reduces free radicals in the brain preventing memory loss.  A free radical is a molecule with one missing electron and is a normal byproduct of the body's metabolism of oxygen.  Increasing your body's oxygen levels can assist in powering the human brain.  

According to a study by the Department of Exercise and Science at the University of Georgia indicates exercise sessions lasting 20 minutes or more facilitate memory functions and cognitive information processing.  Exercise positively affects the brain by increasing blood flow carrying oxygen to the brain helping to sharpen mental capacity.

Increase your brain power by sleeping well getting between 7 to 8 hours of deep sleep and relaxation each night.  A memory study finds taking an afternoon nap for one hour can actually boost brain power while improving memory function.  Research shows sleeping for short periods during the day can promote mental clarity.

Best Brain Supplements That Work 
Natural supplementation botanical for improved brain function has been used to promote better blood flow, increase oxygen levels in the brain and reduce plaque within the brain.  Fortunately, mother nature has provided the right brain-boosting ingredients.  Promote learning and memory with a supplement called Supreme Brain Nutrition a vegetarian supplement by Quantum Wellness Botanical Institute.  
  • Panax Ginseng- is a root plant that helps capillary blood circulation of the brain assisting in the reduction of stress, and aiding in mental performance, learning, and attention recall.
  • Ginko Biloba- aids arteries in expanding and circulating oxygen-rich blood in the brain 
  • Snow Fungus- mushroom is a superoxide dismutase an anti-oxidant enzyme that promotes memory
  • Reishi Mushroom- Contains polysaccharides related to the human nutrition including starch used as an energy source, cellulose when consumed acts as a dietary fiber, Glycogen the storage form of glucose and Triterpenes powerful anti-oxidants help to stop destructive proteins that cause memory stealing plaque from the brain.
  • Lion's Main- a medicinal mushroom with molecules that penetrate the blood-brain barrier to help stimulate nerve growth production in the brain.
  • Bacopi Monnieri-  found in the Bocipi plant that has phospholipids that assist in blocking toxic brain plaque amyloid beta peptide and helps increase nerve growth ending connectors called dendrites.
Find Supreme Brain Nutrition by Quantum Wellness Botanical Institute online or at your local health food provider.  Always check with your doctor before taking any supplement to make sure it is right for your specific needs.

Brain health supplements help stimulate nerve growth factors protecting neurons from damage while enhancing the function of learning and memory.   Key components can help fight the devastating effects of plaque build-up in the brain, increasing healthy circulation of blood flow. Boost brain power using the right supplements, reducing free radical damage while increasing vital oxygen levels. 
Herbs Boost Brain Power
Botanical herbal remedies are widely used worldwide to aid and assist the body's natural function by reducing damaging inflammation while promoting wellness.  

Curcumin is known as a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant which offers benefits of protection against certain cancers, and treats arthritis. aides in reducing blood sugar levels, and benefits those inflammatory bowel diseases.  Derived from the turmeric a member of the ginger family has been used in India for thousands of years as a medicinal herb and spice.  

Turmeric compound boosts brain regeneration of brain cells exhibits 150 potential therapeutic benefits.

Those who are at risk of Alzheimer's disease or other cognitive issues may benefit by consuming curcumin or turmeric from spice form or supplemental sources.  Boost brain power by improving communication in the brain increasing BDNF a protein in humans is a member of the neurotrophic family of growth factors.  Get more curcumin in your diet through fresh, dried spice or supplement forms such as BCM-95 a property formula that combines both turmerics essential oil and curcumin.

Rosemary is commonly known as Rosmarinus Officinalis a woody perennial herb with fragrant needle-like leaves.  Traditional medicinal uses include helping to alleviate muscle pain, boost brain memory cognition, improve the immune and circulatory system as well as promote hair growth. 

The effects of inhaled rosemary oil on subjective feelings and activities of the nervous system are related to positive outcomes to boost brain enhancement. 
Possible health benefits aid in digestion, enhance the speed of memory and concentration.

Researchers from the Northumbria University of the United Kingdom found the amount 1-8 cineole the main chemical in rosemary oil when digested is linked to brain performance.

Spanish Sage leaf is commonly used for medicinal purposes as a natural source of medicine.  Sage is used for loss of appetite, stomach pain gastritis,  flatulence gas, diarrhea, bloating, heartburn.  It is also used for elevating overproduction of perspiration, and saliva and for depression, treatment of Alzheimer's disease, and memory loss.

Consuming sage through a supplement or fresh form has the ability to enhance brain function, and lower inflammation while improving the immune system and boosting brain performance.  Studies show the health benefits of consuming sage in supplement form or inhaling sage oil for increasing recall and mental performance.  With challenging careers or educational demands eating sage in small amounts may boost brain power helping you stay on track with hectic lifestyles.

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Patricia Lynn

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Images Courtesy of Jonhain, StockSnap, Geralt at

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