Monday, January 29, 2018

Flu Like Symptoms Relief With Homeopathy Medicine and Diet

5 Easy Steps to Concur Flu Symptoms
Flu Symptoms are very common among 3 million people living in the United States each year.  Young children, older adults or those suffering from a weak immune system due to illness may be at a higher risk of developing complications due to the flu.  According to the CDC, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention 1 out of every 15 patients seen in doctors offices across the US are being treated for the flu. (1.)

The flu usually attracts the nose, throat, lungs and is normally self-diagnosed. Symptoms include muscle aches, fever, chills, runny nose, congestion, cough, fatigue, and headache.  A common viral infection can be deadly especially among high-risk groups.  The flu is usually self-diagnosed and self-treated using common cold and flu medications and bed rest.  If you or someone you know has developed the flu seek medical attention to avoid complications to see what treatment is best for you. Naturally, Protect your family fight flue and elevate symptoms.

Treatment for the Flu
The flu is usually self-treated with bed rest and plenty of clear liquids to flush out the virus allowing the body to fight infection on its own.   Annual flu vaccination may help prevent the flu from developing limiting serious complications according to the CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Over the counter medications are usually used to relieve pain fever and inflammation are commonly used to treat flu symptoms giving temporary relief.  

Increasing zinc through zinc lozenge may help reduce issues with noise, throat, and ears if taken within the first 24 hours of the onset of symptoms.  Find Zinc lozenges at your local pharmacy or grocery store.  For children, zinc lolly pops are also available in several flavors.   Consuming more zinc from foods including spinach, pumpkin seeds, and cocoa can boost your daily intake of this essential mineral helping you build a strong immunity.

Anti-viral drugs can be used to treat the flu and are different compared to antibiotics.  They are prescription medications accessible in inhaled powders, pills liquid form and not available over the counter.  Research shows anti-viral medications work best when used within a 2 day period after the onset of flu symptoms especially if a person is at high risk.  Check with your doctor and follow instructions for best results.  Prepare yourself for the flu season naturally.

Homeopathic Medicine Drug-Free Alternative 
Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine first developed in 1796 by Samuel Hanneman ideology recognizes disease energy imbalances in the body system using specific popular remedies. According to the American Institute of Homeopathy America and the world face difficulty as antibiotic-resistant infections kill an estimated  10 million individuals per year and will cost the world economic resources 100 trillion dollars by the year 2050. 

The principal use of homeopathic treatments includes stimulating and restoring the bodies own balance.  The negative side effects of some hazardous effects of some medications are causing many individuals to seek alternative solutions for treating common ailments using risk-free,  homeopathic therapy.

Homeopathic medicine is used by 500 million people worldwide are compelling facts that can not be ignored.  Studies indicate 95% of French dermatologists, pediatricians, and general practitioners use homeopathy for their patients. 

Homeopathic physicians are trained to evaluate and treat a patient matching symptoms to a specific treatment which is mild non- toxic to the body.  The treatments neither destroy or cover up disease but stimulate the body to rid its self of the problem.  Homeopathic medicine has gained popularity and now can be found in local supermarkets, drug stores CVS or health food stores in the United States located on the shelf next to other cold and flu medications.  

Oscillococcinum is a common homeopathic medication used to treat flu symptoms including, body aches, headache, fever, chills, and fatigue.  This is a non- drowsy formula with no known drug interactions helping your body heal naturally reducing the duration and severity of symptoms.  Boiron the world's leader in Homeopathic medicine headquartered in France with operating presents in 59 countries worldwide. 

It is the largest manufacturer of homeopathic products in the world.  Using homeopathic remedies may help relieve flu naturally lessening the duration of symptoms.  

 The recent popularity of homeopathic treatment is due to its effectiveness in treating infections, disease, and life-threatening viral infections aiding the body to heal naturally. 

How to Prevent the Flu Tips

  • Clean and disinfect surfaces that may be contaminated
  • Wash hands often with soap and water if water is unavailable use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Cover nose and mouth with a clean tissue when you cough and sneeze to avoid spreading germs.  Throw the tissue away when finished.
  • Vaccinate against the flu
  • Use anti-viral drugs if your doctor prescribes them as soon as possible
  • If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms with fever stay home for 24 hours unless you need to seek medical attention to prevent the spread of the flu.
  • Avoid contact with others as much as possible if you have the flu to avert the spread of infection
  • Attempt avoiding close contact with sick people.

Diet for the flu
If you are suffering from the flu you may be wondering what diet or fluids are best to consume.  As the saying goes "feed a cold starve a fever."  as a basic rule to follow but what if you have both?

Stay Hydrated

Electrolytes are important for bodily function and can be lost due to sweating during exercise loss of potassium and sodium.  The concentration of electrolytes can also be depleted due to rapid loss of fluid from bouts of vomiting and diarrhea. Replenish fluid electrolytes using specific sports drinks that include specific vitamins and electrolytes designated to hydrate and nourish the body.  

Propel grape water beverage mix with electrolytes vitamin C and E is available online.  Find great sports drinks packed with vitamins and vital electrolytes at your local grocery or drug store to stay hydrated while fighting the flu. 

Powerade Ion4 advanced formula sports formula contains Vitamin B3, B6, and B12 is an excellent source of fluid replenishment. When you have a fever it is important to stay hydrated drinking plenty of fluids.

Sooth nausea drinking sips of ginger ale or takes 2 papa enzymes to calm the stomach helping to prevent upset stomach.  Find papa supplements at CVS in the vitamin section or where supplements are sold.  

Boost Protein 
Consume more protein including eggs, and yogurt with probiotics to help the body tissue repair from illness.  Your body needs protein to build and heal muscles, tissue, and skin.  Adequate protein is essential for balancing bodily fluids, carry oxygen throughout the body, and help fight infection.

Soups and Broths

Homemade chicken soup is effective for reducing inflammation while helping the body rid its self of infection.  

According to the Journal at Chestnut chicken soup has been long regarded as a dietary source for upper respiratory tract track infection.  Research indicates Chicken soup contains a number of substances used for medicinal purposes.  Check out these soup recipes on Printest for healthy nutritious meals you can prepare at home to help combat the flu.

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Patricia Lynn

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Images Courtesy of MagdusSilviantin at 

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