Sunday, April 30, 2023

Memory Boost Promotes Mental Clarity

Memory Boost Strategies 

Memory boost can substantially improve cognitive function using natural methods to enhance the focus of attention relating to daily activities.  Memory associated with thinking problems may have underlying causes including depression, infection, lack of sleep, side effects of medication. Sometimes the problem can be treated with natural means that aid in cognition improvements by eating a clean diet and exercising more regularly. Several techniques have been used to enhance memory including brain training, a program of regular activities designed to improve working memory. Stress management techniques are aimed at controlling a person's stressor effort to relax the mind and boost memory.  Exercise is an activity that enhances and maintains physical fitness positively affecting overall wellness. Each technique has the ability to influence memory in different ways, improving the focus of the working memory.  Memory improvement is the intention of deliberately focusing attention on prioritizing tasks of importance in effort to reach common goals.

Diet is key for attaining focus eating whole foods packed with nutrition gives the body vitamins and minerals it needs to be physically active each day. The best foods to boost your memory are fatty fish, coffee, turmeric, blueberries, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, nuts including walnuts, almonds, cashews.” The connection? Scientists speculated that the antioxidants and bioactive substances such as vitamins A, b, and C Carotenoids, flavonoids, and polyphenols, found in fruits and vegetables may reduce brain oxidative stress which may affect age-related brain dysfunction like memory loss.” says Harvard Health. In the brain, serotonin affects mood regulation directly impacting feelings of optimism, feeling of hopefulness about future events, and a successful outcome is usually positively perceived. It is also responsible for cognitive functioning including memory learning capabilities and plays a key role in mood balance.  Low levels of serotonin have been associated with depression, a decrease in physical energy, and poor appetite. 

Serotonin deficiency is thought to be associated with psychological symptoms including anxiety, irritability, and impulsive behavior.  Regular exercise definitely improves mood as exercise increases brain serotonin levels boosting a sense of well-being. Benefit from exercise managing weight by performing vigorous to moderate physical activity five times per week.  Studies suggest regular physical activity can increase cognitive function, and clear thinking patterns, increase learning capabilities, and reduce your risk of depression. Serotonin is involved in many physiological processes including sleep, memory, and thermoregulation regulating the body's temperature. Exposure to sunlight is thought to increase the brain's release of the hormone serotonin-boosting your mood. Regular aerobic exercise walking outdoors in sunlight once per day for 30-60 minutes at your own pace can significantly increase serotonin levels and boost mood feelings of happiness.

Walking increases circulation, strengthening the heart muscle increases pumping efficiency ultimately reducing resting heart rate referred to as aerobic conditioning to decrease the risks associated with heart disease. Manage weight by walking  10,000 steps per day and performing moderate aerobic activities that challenge your body increasing your heart rate used as a memory boost.  Walking gets your heart to beat faster conditioning the cardiovascular system to move more oxygen and blood throughout the body while increasing lung capacity. Walking recommendations guidelines for adults is to get a minimum of 150 minutes of aerobic exercise, moderate cardio physical activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity each week or a combination of moderate to intense cardio exercise each week. Exercising your mind, performing new interesting tasks, and developing new skills to improve your memory benefit every area of your life. 

Learning something new keeps your mind occupied focusing on objectives following a knowledge-based perspective often leads to cognitive enhancements. Everyone has the capacity to develop new brain cells and improve cognitive functioning making you concentrate while reading or participating in conversation. The process called neurogenesis new neurons brain cells develop within the hippocampus brain region responsible for learning, retaining information, regulating emotions, and storing long-term memories.  Learning new skills stimulates neurons in the brain through a series of actions both physical and brain exercises may reduce the effects of developing depression by 10%. Neurobotics are brain exercises that have been recognized as concept learning activities and these activities improve memory.

Sage is a salvia plant that comes from the word meaning to heal, widely used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Sage also called common sage or garden sage is an aromatic herb of the mint family Lamiaceae cultivated for its pungent edible leaves. Sage is native to the Mediterranean region and is used for dried or fresh flavorings in many foods, especially poultry, pork, and sausages. Some varieties are grown for ornamentals in the garden for their attractive leaves and flowers. Sage is a perennial plant that grows to 60 cm (2 feet ) tall.  The oval leaves are rough or wrinkled in appearance usually down as the color ranges from gray to whitish green including some variegated varieties, a bushy herb with woody stems, and aromatic multicolored leaves. The flowers are borne in spikes featuring tubular two-lipped corollas that are attractive to a variety of pollinators including hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees. The flowers can be pink, white, or red producing nutley fruits. The essential oil content of sage varies up to 2.5 percent with the principal components being bernoel and thujone.

Many species of sage salvia are native to Mediterranean Europe And have been traditionally used in the treatment of health problems including inflammation, digestive, and circulation disturbances, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, angina, mouth, through, depression, excessive sweating and memory problems. Saliva plants are noted for their antioxidant effects on the head and brain function, improving memory, quickening the senses and delaying age-related cognitive decline, says PubMed Central. Sage salvia plants are rich in polyphenols with 160 identified polyphenols composed of an array of phenolic acids and flavonoids. Salvia plants have been historically used for the treatment in several ailments with traditional knowledge suggesting they have benefits for cognitive and neurological conditions. Herbamama Sage capsules 1000 mg organic Salvia Officinalis nutritional supplement promotes brain friction, immunity, and digestive wellness. Boost your memory keeping your mind sharp with just two capsules at a time.

Garden sage has been shown to support the brain in many ways improving concentration, focus, and memory. Sage leaf has been traditionally used to assist the digestive system to soothe bloating and other gut-related aches while promoting proper digestion. Salvia officinalis have over 160 polyphenols that function as antioxidants on top of other vitamins and minerals that may reduce the risk of many diseases. Sage is one of the essential herbs that can be used to enhance a variety of culinary dishes used in poultry, meats, bread, dressings, vegetable omelet, marinades, and stuffings. Sage can be purchased as an herb at any local grocery store in the produce or spice section.  


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of JillWellinton at Pixbay

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