Monday, October 26, 2020

Walking Benefits Total Body Fitness

Walking Improve Overall Health

Walking can dramatically improve overall health as a type of cardiovascular conditioning, a process where the heart, lungs are trained to pump blood more efficiently allowing more oxygen to be delivered to organs and muscles. Half of Americans living in the United States 117 million adults have one or more preventable chronic diseases including 80 percent of individuals fail to meet key exercise guidelines.  Individuals living a sedentary lifestyle lacking regular physical activities has generated an estimated 117 billion in annual health care costs leading to 10 percent premature deaths. Over 145 million people enjoy walking activities as part of an active lifestyle.

Studies suggest the average person walks 65,000 miles equivalent to walking around the earth three times.  In their lifetime physical activity generating aerobic energy performed at low or high intensity intervals is an effective workout. Walking exercise is designed to be low in intensity enough to turn all carbohydrates into energy mitochondrial ATP production that relies on oxygen for the metabolism of fats, carbs, and proteins. The metabolism converts food into energy to run cellular processes in the body that rule the building blocks of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. 

Exercising outdoors walking at moderate speed 3 mph for 30-60 minutes per day can significantly help you lose weight boosting your metabolism and burn off calories more effectively. Any cardiovascular exercise performed at a mild to moderate pace including jogging, walking, cycling, swimming can become aerobic when performed for extended periods of time and vary in intensity. Walking is a low impact activity easy on the joints performed by people of all ages. According to Bone Biology bones are living tissues that have their own blood vessels made of various cells and proteins, minerals and vitamins. This structure enables bones to grow, transform, and repair throughout life.

Manage Weight Walking

Exercising regularly your bone adapts building more bone becoming denser while increasing muscle strength helping joints stay flexible improves range of motion.  Walking increases circulation, strengthening the heart muscle increases pumping efficiency ultimately reducing resting heart rate referred to as aerobic conditioning to decrease the risks associated with heart disease. Manage weight walking  10,000 steps per day performing moderate aerobic activities challenges your body increasing heart rate. Walking gets your heart to beat faster conditioning the cardiovascular system to move more oxygen and blood throughout the body while increasing lung capacity.

Walking recommendations guidelines for adults is to get a minimum of 150 minutes of aerobic exercise, moderate cardio physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity each week or a combination of moderate to intense cardio exercise each week. The average person walking for one hour covers 3 miles of trial can burn off approximately 225 to 365 calories per session depending on age, gender, and fitness level variations may apply.  Walking once per day is optimal for managing weight, effectively walking at moderate speed for one hour seven days per week can help you burn off 1,575 to 2,555 calories per week to lose weight.

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Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Shutterstock

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