Monday, December 16, 2019

Sugar Substitutes Healthy Alternatives To Sweeteners

Lower Calories With Sugar Substitutes
Sugar Substitutes used in recipes are common these days as people tend to manage weight by lowering caloric intake. Stevia is considered the
best option for sweetening foods followed by yacon syrup, erythritol, and xylitol.  According to the Simmons National Consumer (NHCS) report, 141.97 million Americans used sugar substitutes in 2019 to reduce calories helping people stay on their diets. 

Stevia a natural sweetener has an estimated value of 490 million US. dollars in 2017 in the global market predicted to reach 771.5 million US Dollars by 2022. Stevia sweeteners are considered sweeter compared to sugar and is suitable for baking in recipes.  

Baking With Sugar Substitutes
Delicious healthy cookie recipes made with wholesome ingredients including sugar substitutes compliment the holiday season as low calorie desserts you can enjoy! Sugar alternatives are available for baking in recipes, creating beverages adding virtually little to no calories to your diet.

Replacement of sugar with sugar substitutes continues to show promise for health benefits typically reducing weight gain has become a popular alternative for people reducing calories. Consuming sugar alternatives known as sugar substitutes non-nutritive sweeteners suggests that consuming these sweeteners may be beneficial affecting the body's mass and blood sugar levels. 

According to the Calorie Control, the world's highest regulatory health agency evidence suggests sugar substitutes low calorie sweeteners are safe consumed in moderation. Regulatory agencies suggest low calorie sweeteners are an excellent tool used to help prevent obesity and poor health-related conditions.

Lose Weight Reducing Sugar
Eliminating sugar from your diet does have benefits to your health, reducing risks to obesity, diabetes and other related complications. Simple lifestyle changes drinking diet soda and other foods sweetened with sugar substitutes may lower calorie intake improving weight significantly. According to the bmj editorial published in 2018, there is growing concerns about health and quality of life are encouraging individuals to participate in healthy lifestyle choices avoiding the consumption of fatty sugary foods to help prevent disease. 

Research from the Food and Drug Administration suggests sugar substitutes in small amounts packed with flavor adding a sweet taste to common foods and beverages with virtually little or no calories.  Some people use sugar substitutes to lower calories in their diet as well as a variety of other reasons to sweeten recipes.

According to the New England Journal of Medicine study from the Global Burden of Disease conducted in 2015 estimated that 607.7 million adults and 107.7 million children were considered to be obese worldwide.  Researchers found that being overweight or obese contributed to 4 million deaths including cardiovascular disease accounting for 41% of those deaths followed by diabetes.

Causes of weight gain around the globe have variable factors including inactivity, high calorie consumption and medical conditions that may play a role in obesity.  Fortunately, sugar substitutes offer alternatives to using sugar to sweeten foods lowering calories in beverages, recipes, and common foods. Stevia can be part of a healthy lifestyle when choosing sweeteners to reduce sugar consumption as a sugar substitute for the whole family to reduce calories.

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Patricia Lynn
Images Courtesy of blogmood at Pixbay

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