Monday, August 26, 2019

Exercise For Weight Loss Success Tone The Entire Body


Effective Exercise Weight Loss Strategies
Exercise is the best way to stay motivated improving physical fitness while maintaining optimal weight.  According to Consumer Reports regular exercise is probably the best prescription for healthy aging however fewer than 1 in 5 adults 65 and older gets the recommended amount. For most active adults the Department of Human Services recommends three different exercises as guidelines for adults to follow. 

Get at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week or a combination of vigorous and moderate aerobic activities to benefit physical fitness levels. Examples of aerobic exercises include walking, running, swimming, cycling, hiking, kickboxing, classes in dancing, aerobics, and power yoga. 

Aerobic Exercise Boost Metabolism
All aerobic activities can become anaerobic if performed at a level of intensity benefits the bodybuilding lean muscle mass. Discoveries in physical fitness training is now used by people of all age groups to promote strength, power increasing physical endurance.

Anaerobic exercise is good for the bodybuilding lean muscle while effectively burning off unwanted body fat. Examples of Anaerobic exercise includes weight training, running, cycling, jump rope, elliptical training. Any exercise consisting of short exertion physically intense enough leading to greater performance in short duration.

Elliptical Training Low Impact Exercise
Elliptical exercise is considered a low impact
activity easy on the joints and can be completely customized according to your fitness level. Most people can not run or jump for 30 or 40 minutes may find difficulty maintaining an aerobic pace.  The elliptical trainer is an excellent stationary piece of equipment used to simulate various motions in workout settings mode moving at a smooth pace.

Exercise using elliptical machine for 30-40 minutes is like running on air due to custom settings in intensity and duration boosting your metabolism burning off more calories. When considering any exercise program it is recommended to get a complete physical exam by your health care provider to ensure a coordinated effort for diet and fitness exercise. 

Elliptical trainers work the user’s upper and lower body for a total body workout, increasing stamina putting less stress on joints. Go at your own pace on the elliptical equipment adjusting each setting on the elliptical trainer to suit your fitness level progressing in duration to burn body fat. Find elliptical equipment online, sports equipment supply store or at most gyms in the United States.

Effective Interval Training Hiit Exercise
HiiT Interval Training exercise can be very beneficial for toning the body while losing weight as a cardio session arranged in short bursts of intensity. Perform interval training warming up for 10 minutes walking or riding a stationary bike to oxygenate muscles in preparation for exercise.  Perform interval training using intense aerobic activity of choice running, elliptical, cycling, adding a 20 second bursts at the end of each exercise maximize your effort.

Typically a HiiT exercise session lasts 20-45 minutes exercising intensely for 30, 60, 90 seconds and resting twice as long, incorporating strength training between sets. Repeat each interval until the exercise session is completed to increase the metabolism for an effective workout.

Let Jillian be your trainer using the 
FREE 7 Day Trial Jillian Michales Diet and Fitness App.  Click Here for more details.  Discover how you can tone and tighten your entire body using the personalized fitness plan in combination with a low calorie diet for weight loss management success.

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Patricia Lynn
Images Courtesy of Patricia Lynn at Canva

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