Sunday, November 5, 2023

Amazing Weight Loss Apps



Weight Loss Apps

A comprehensive fitness app offers personalized meal plans, workout plans and mindful exercises dedicated to help people lose weight.  According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention obesity is a common costly condition for adults and children. The prevalence of obesity in the United States is 41.9 percent as of March 2020.  Obesity related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancers leading preventable causes of premature death. The estimated medical cost of obesity was nearly 173 billion dollars in 2019.  As of September 21, 2023 41.9 percent of adults have obesity. Nearly 71 percent of adults living in the U.S. either have obesity or are overweight. According to Nation Wide Surveys conducted by The National Institute of Health since the early 1960’s U.S. obesity rates have tripled over the last 60 years.

Obesity affects 100.1 million adults (41.9) percent, 14.7 million children (19.7) percent accounting for approximately 147 billion annual health care costs. The World Obesity Federation 2023 Atlas predicts 51 percent of the world, or 4 billion people will be obese or overweight within the next 12 years. The report uses BMI body mass index for its assessments, a number calculated by dividing a person's weight, and height to determine a person's BMI category.  BMI calculators can be used to calculate BMI values and corresponding weight status using the metrics unit tab. BMI measures a person's leanness based on height and weight and is intended to quantify tissue mass applied to men and women.  Calculating your BMI before dieting to lose weight provides people with a starting point to gage a person's weight classification BMI range kg/m2 severe thinness <16, moderate thinness 16-17, mild thinness 17.18.5, normal 18.5-25, overweight 25-30, Obese 30-35 and higher.

Weight loss apps have been proven to be an effective resource used to help people lose weight. Run Star BMI fitness scales utilize bioimpedance measurement technology to calculate13 body composition measurements that can be monitored and tracked on the StarFit App anytime anywhere over a period of time daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly motivating good lifestyle intention in 2023 tracking your fitness progress. The large LCD screen displays 6 key measurements including weight, body fat rate, BMI muscle mass, body water rate, bone mass. The scale is great for body builders, weight loss enthusiasts who want to track their fitness level while losing weight. Being overweight increases the number of health risks associated with obesity often resulting in serious chronic diseases including high blood pressure, high levels LDL cholesterol considered bad cholesterol, lower levels of HDL cholesterol good cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease stroke, Gallbladder disease, Osteoarthritis a type of joint disease caused by the breakdown of cartilage, body aches and pains associated with limited physical activity, sleep apnea, increased risk of premature mortality and poor quality of life.

Fitness apps maximize weight loss combining diet and exercise program. Weight loss apps provide a comprehensive solution for dieting and fitness suited for your specific needs helping you lose weight while developing new lifestyle strategies that may last a lifetime.  My Fitness App Diet plan combines a sensible diet with a fitness program encouraging healthy lifestyle choices as the best method for weight loss.  My Fitness diet plan is tailored to suit specific dietary needs personalizing it to make healthy eating easy choosing from one of several programs.  Each plan offers delicious recipes created to maximize your nutritional uptake eating fresh foods packed with nutrition.  Registered dietitian and personal Chef have developed several meal plans to select from providing a shopping list, easy to follow step by step instruction and a complete low calorie menu.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of MG at AdobeStock

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