Monday, September 20, 2021

Workout Tone Your Entire Body



Workout Optimize Weight

Workout using any activity that improves and maintains physical fitness increasing strength while burning off body fat.  Exercise is typically performed for various reasons including overall health of the human body.  According to the National Library of Medicine, regular physical activity plays an important role in maintaining optimal weight preventing disease.  Studies suggest people who are inactive often develop cardiovascular complications, diabetes, obesity and other poor health conditions. 

Regular exercise provides enormous benefits for the body to boost physical performance. Workout at a local gym to access free training, equipment, and classes designed to customize your fitness plan.  Exercise has many benefits including improving overall health, increasing physical endurance, strength helping you stay active.  Stretching movements designed to stretch and elongate specific muscle groups enhance flexibility through a series of stretches that prepare the body for working out.

Yoga is often used to increase flexibility through 20-60 minute routines designed to strengthen muscles during the workout. The origins of yoga development have been speculated to date back to approximately 5,000 years ago as a series of targeted poses. Historically the yoga practice was created by yoga masters a system of practices designed to rejuvenate and prolong life, embracing the physical body as a means of spiritual enlightenment. There are many types of exercises that can be performed regularly to boost metabolism burn off body fat. 

Abdominal core exercises are designed to tone the abs, improve balance, stability in all physical activities.  Workout using abdominal exercises to strengthen and train your muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips, and abdomen to work in harmony increasing good posture for better physical performance.  Improve postural balance using several core workouts designed to enhance abdominal muscle strength and flexibility performed a few times per week to achieve noticeable results. 

Strengthen the core area focus on tightening the transverse abdominis the deepest abdominal muscle you can feel contracting while exercisercising performing 30 sit ups 3 times per week. According to The American Council of Exercise tighten your abdominal muscle to protect your spine is the most effective ab exercise to tone and strengthen.  Chair situps can be performed at any location. Sitting in an upright position pull the abdomen back toward the spine hold the position for 5 seconds and release.  Repeat the exercise for 20-30 repetitions 4 times per week while sitting in a chair or watching tv to strengthen core muscles using isometric exercises.

Several core exercises can be performed for beginners or advanced levels to target core muscle groups including trunk rotations, reverse crunches, and Glute Bridge to tone the abs, but hips and thighs. 

Workout using aerobic activities of high or low-intensity levels to strengthen the heart muscle to improve its pumping efficiency and reduce resting heart rate.  Aerobic conditioning is a process where the heart and lungs are trained to pump blood efficiently delivering oxygenated blood to organs and muscles.  Regular cardio exercises has enormous benefits for the body improving mood, reducing stress and lowing the incidence of depression. Aerobic conditioning can be achieved through cardiovascular exercises including walking, running, cycling, aerobics and swimming. 

Exercising at lower intensities will improve aerobic conditioning walking 30-60 minutes per day burning calories with increased physical activity.  According to Katherine Zeratsky R.D., L.D of the Mayo Clinic suggests increasing physical activities including brisk walking is important for weight control because it helps the body burn off calories effectively.  Depending on your weight and the speed of walking you can expect to burn off between 147 to 556 calories per hour depending on the route you choose. 

Workout walking once per day can have an enormous impact benefiting overall health. Stretching is commonly used as a form of exercise in which tendons and muscles are deliberately extended to stretch and flex in order to increase muscular flexibility.  Stretching benefits the entire body increasing the metabolism to burn calories more effectively while building lean muscle mass while burning off fat. 

According to the Mayo Clinic three types of stretching increase physical performance, flexibility, full range of motion reducing the risks associated with injuries. Stretching keeps muscle fibers healthy strong and flexibility increasing oxygen to the entire body by improving circulation-boosting energy levels. Studies indicate stretching on a regular basis can reduce risks to injuries due to improved muscular function, increased flexibility, and full range of motion. 

Stretching is designed to build muscle while burning off fat by increasing the metabolism to work more effectively to gain more flexibility. Building strong muscle fibers while stretching will boost endurance levels toning the entire body.  Flexible muscles reduce the risk of injuries promoting physical strength making everyday activities easier on the body. Stretching is considered a low impact exercise that can increase blood flow circulation to muscles and organs using a series of combined exercises. 

Exercises be accomplished at any location at home or at the gym without any equipment. Stretching is typically used by athletes, patients in rehabilitation, and older adults who want to gain strength, flexibility, and muscular stability. Exercise has become a popular form of stretching benefiting the entire body from the inside out increasing physical performance using a series of poses.  Workout Tone Your Entire Body building lean muscles three to four times per week to manage weight.

Patricia Lynn
Images Courtesy of Shutterstock

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