Sunday, July 18, 2021

Workout Tone Your Body



Workout Tone Your Body

Workout Strength training involves performing exercises that are designed to improve physical strength using weights tailored to specific fitness levels. It is often associated with the use of weights used to develop the strength of skeletal muscles used to optimize overall endurance. Strength training can be incorporated in a wide variety of exercises designed to build lean muscle including calisthenics, a form of strength training consisting of a variety of movements exercising large muscle groups. 

These exercises are performed rhythmically with minimal equipment using hand weights to enhance each exercise routine. Hand weights available from 1lb, 3lb, 5, lb, 8lb, 10lb, and higher enhance any workout routine to sculpt each muscle group using resistance training full body workout. Everyday essentials colored neoprene coated dumbbell set of 3 pairs with stand offers 3lb, 5lb, 8lb hand weight set ideal for resistance training.

Workout at your own pace selecting hand weights specified to your fitness level. Each exercise can be performed in 20-30 repetitions per set 3 to 4 times per week using hand weights and a mat to exercise on. Adjustable hand weight sets are a cost effective solution for any workout perfectly suited for professionals to beginners. The Ayeku Adjustable dumbbell set offers a wide weight range from 11lb, 22lb, 33lb, 44lb, 55lb and combines multiple weight blocks into one unit to be easily stored at home or gym space.

Exercise at your own pace progressing with each workout as your body adapts to your exercise routine. Gradually increase the weight, duration or intensity of each exercise set to build lean muscles toning the entire body using adjustable weights. Fast weight block change using a single hand to rotate the handlebar and hear a click to select chosen weight preference. Compact Ayeku Adjustable dumbbells have a safe structure in the weight plate to prevent the weight plate from dropping during each exercise.

Workout 3 Key Exercises

Side Lunges focus on the inner and outer thighs train your body to move side to side working the glutes which is an important stabilizer muscle for the hip joints. Perform side lunges standing on your mat holding one hand weight in each hand with your feet 3 feet apart. Lunge to the left side then lunges to the right side while holding hand weights.  Repeat the exercise 20-30 repetitions using proper technique with each side lunge.

Squats strengthen your entire lower body designed to build lean muscle in the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes responsible for every move you make. Perform squats in a standing position with feet hip-distance apart standing on your mat holding one weight in each hand. Squat down as if you are sitting in a chair then return to a standing position. Perform 20- 30 standing squat repetitions per set 4-5 times per week to tone and strengthen leg muscles defining your glutes.

Core abdominals can be performed using hand weights to tone major muscles of the abdomen including the rectus abdominis at the front of the body, the external obliques at the sides of your waist, latissimus dorsi muscles in the back that help the body bend at the waist supporting the lumbar spine. Perform core abdominal exercises sitting on your mat holding one weight in front of your body. Perform sit-ups with weights to create resistance with each move strengthening the core abdominal area. Perform 20-30 repetitions per set.

External oblique workouts can tone the entire core area building lean muscle with each exercise.

Perform standing side crunch standing on your mat with feet hip-distance apart, knees slightly bent, back straight holding one weight in your left hand positioned at your side. Crunch to the left then back to standing straight. Repeat side crunches to to left 20-30 reputations. Switch sides repeating standing side crunches to the right side 20-30 repetitions to tone the entire abdominal area. Workout at your own pace using proper strength training techniques to avoid injuries.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Shutterstock

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