Wednesday, September 26, 2018

10 Minute Ab Exercises To Tone Core Abdominal Area

Top Abdominal Exercises Flat Belly Fix
Ab exercises are one of the best methods for toning the core abdominal area for increased physical fitness.  The abdominal muscles also referred to as the belly, midriff or stomach composed of three layers of the abdominal wall including the internal oblique, external oblique, and the transverse abdominal.  Studies indicate strong abdominal muscles are associated with good posture and physical appearance.

An aerobic and abdominal exercise program without calorie restriction reduced abdominal fat in healthy adults who are sedentary accustomed to excessive sitting or resting benefited from an exercise program designed to burn calories, tone and tighten the body to ovoid obesity. (1.

The abdominal muscles have different functions in the body protecting the inner organs and provide added strength to the back contributing to postural support to the spine They serve the breathing process as accessory muscles in respiration.  

When properly performed ab exercises contribute to improved balance and good posture and may reduce the risk of injury.  Increasing physical activity with aerobic activity and ab exercises have been shown to increase weight loss in healthy adults proven to be effective for managing weight. (2.)

Increase defined abdominal muscles, flexibility, and strength combining a series of targeted ab exercises designed to help tone your core area helping you lose weight. 

Benefit from gaining more physical fitness endurance using targeted ab exercises designed to build lean muscle giving you a well-defined look.  A strong core provides strength and stability to the back area building lean muscle body composition.  

Not all exercises are suitable for everyone.  It is important to talk to your health care provider about diet and exercise programs you want to participate in to ensure the best possible health care and to determine what is appropriate for you.

Warm Up Before Exercise
It is important to warm up for ten minutes before performing any exercise program.  Walking for a brief period can increase oxygen to the muscles for exercise.  Warming prior to performing or participating in physical fitness programs is essential for avoiding injury in preparation for exertion.  

A good warm up typically exists of a gradual increase in physical intensity or activity increasing the heart rate to deliver oxygenated blood to muscles and lungs.  Warming up helps increase your cardiovascular system warming up your bodies temperature boosting blood flow to help prevent muscle strain or sore muscles after performing exercises.  

10 ab exercises for toning core abdominals. Lose weight using a sequence of exercises for abs.

Best Targeted Ab Exercises
Ab exercises include 10 different exercises lasting 45 seconds each as part of a 10 minute routine designed to tone your abdominal area.  Lose inches around your waist using targeted exercises to develop a strong core and back muscles.  Clothes will fit better as your body becomes more physically fit.  

Flutter Kicks Abdominal Exercises
Start by laying on your back on top of a mat with legs held straight upright over your hips.  Extend your left leg out fist crossing them back and forth for 45-second repetition in quick movements while drawing your stomach in performing this exercise.  This ab exercise will help define the abdominal area strengthening, toning and defining.

Reaching Oblique Crunch
The oblique muscles help you bend from side to side, support the low back and improve posture.  Support the rotation of the spine contributing to performance and postural reinforcement.  

Start by lying on your back with both knees bent.  Crunch your body up toward your knees, lifting your shoulders off the mat, rotating to the left and the right. Do repetitions totaling 45 seconds.

Side Hip Raises Pilates Exercise
Start by laying on the matt on your side, knees bent to the side.  Lift up on your arm keeping your knees on the matt. Lift your core off the matt and back down.  Do 45 seconds of reputations on the left and right side working the oblique area to tone and tighten.

Russian Twist Whole Abdominal Exercise
This exercise is good for toning the entire abdomen strengthening the rectus abdominis, internal obliques, and external obliques contributing to good posture, strength ma stability.  

Start the Russian twist ab exercise by sitting on the mat with knees slightly bent.  Lean back keeping your chest straight with good posture form and arms crossed over your chest.  Rotate arms over your abdominal area going from left to right motion.  Do this ab exercise for 45 seconds in repetition while tightening your abdominal.

Repeat the sequence of abdominal exercises once again in 45-second reputations to develop definition in your abs.

Ab Exercises Tips

  • Get a full physical before performing any exercise routine
  • Tone your entire body and  abdominal area walking once per day for 30 to 60 minutes
  • Lose weight using diet and fitness strategies to reveal the abdominal muscular tone
  • Use good posture when performing all exercises
  • Workout at home using only a mat
Combining Diet And Exercise 
Losing weight using diet and exercise is the best method for transforming your body.  Learn how you can lose inches by making small lifestyle changes to improve your health following detailed information designed melt stubborn belly fat. 

For more information get your free copy of Weight Loss Diet Tips.  There you will discover the secrets to losing weight using proven strategies taught by experts who know how to get results using the latest diet and fitness information available.  Click Here for more details.

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Patricia Lynn

Video Courtesy of FitnessBlender at

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