Thursday, May 31, 2018

Protein Benefits For Boosting Metabolism Increasing Weight Loss


Healthy Proteins for Losing Weight Fast
Proteins are essential for many functions in the body that are responsible for repairing and building muscle tissue.  Consuming the right amount of protein in your daily diet can help provide building blocks your body can use to build strong bone, cartilage, and skin. 

According to the Department of Nutrition recent studies suggest consuming a diet high in protein, low in fat promote weight loss.

You also use proteins to make enzymes and other body chemicals responsible for proper metabolism and important bodily functions.  Without them, we could not digest food, move a muscle or even breath.  
Health Benefits of Protein 
Diets higher in dietary protein and calcium combined with daily exercise have been shown to have improved health benefits. (1.)

Enzymes are responsible for biological and chemical process aiding the body to repair damaged tissue.  Proteins are enzymes that catalyze reactions occur faster for chemical reactions in the metabolism of assisting the body to burn off more calories effectively.

Protein rich foods are broken down into amino acids helping your body repair cells and make new cells during the digestion process. Amino acids provide amazing benefits for the entire body, building lean muscle and reducing fatigue. 

These are known as essential amino acids that must be obtained from food on a regular basis.  
Amino acids play an important role in physiological processes including bodybuilding for increasing energy, fat loss, recovery and gaining muscular strength.  Bodybuilders and sports enthusiasts are now adding protein drinks and protein bars to their daily regimen to increase muscle mass and increase endurance levels.  

Protein Mistakes To Avoid Avoid protein mistakes that can change your life by not eating enough.  According to the Dietary Reference Intake recommend 46 grams of protein per day for the average sedentary women and 56 grams of protein per day for the average sedentary man. The DRI reference of protein intake is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight or 0.36 grams per pound.  Maintaining energy balance requires adequate nutritional support with a sensible diet that includes lean proteins, organic fruits, and vegetables, and whole grains. (2.)
Healthy Protein Choices The human body needs enough protein in the diet to maintain good health essential for growth and development.  Obtaining protein from food sources including lean meat, chicken, eggs, and fish is a great way to get adequate amounts in your diet.   

They are also found in plant sources including, beans, legumes, soy, nut butter and some grains like quinoa and wheat germ. There are plenty of natural organic resources available for protein choices that can be found online or at your local grocery store.  Proteins are rapidly digested and absorbed in the body likely contributing to metabolic enhancement. (3.)

Studies from the Department of Biology and Washington Center of Food Sciences suggest consuming a diet with higher protein intake may be beneficial metabolically for weight loss, especially for the obese, overweight or physically active adults.  Research indicates eating the recommended amount of protein each day helps maintain muscle mass while losing fat helping the body burn calories more effectively.

For additional information about losing weight visit Weight Loss Dieting Plans a complete website dedicated to fitness and weight loss success. There you can find a diet plan to suit your specific needs. Tour the whole website and be sure to sign up for your free gift of Garcinia weight loss supplement while supplies last.  

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Patricia Lynn

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Images courtesy of Cattlin, untovilorado at
Photo by Joseph Gonzalez on Unsplash

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