Monday, August 12, 2019

Unlock Hip Flexor Stretches Benefit Physical Strength


Unlock Hip Flexors Strengthen The Body
Hip flexors area group of muscles in front of the hip that act to lift the knee bringing the thigh upward to the abdomen. Hip flexors the hidden survival muscle within your body overlooked by modern physicians that keep millions of men and women defeated by pain, frustrated with belly fat and struggling with fatigue.  Major muscles in the hip area of focus are the iliopsoas, posas, and the rectus femoris.

The rectus femoris functions as a two joint muscle as it crosses the hip and knee responsible for flexing the thigh and raises the knee. Hip flexors in antimony is movement within the hip joint that decreases the angle and coverage of bone between the joint referred to as iliopsoas the joined psoas and iliacus muscles. Lack of physical energy nearly affects everybody at some point in their life no matter how old you are or no matter how sedentary or active you are.

Common Causes Tight Hip Flexors
Tight hip flexors affect every aspect of your physical and emotional wellbeing resulting in lack of vitality. Collectively the hip flexors have attachments to the lumbar spine, pelvis and femur meant to work in unison to create movement between joints, bones and skeletal muscles of the body that form your musculoskeletal system.

Hip flexors work simultaneously functioning together with surrounding muscles in the pelvis and spine for core strength and stability.  Hip flexors are the engine through which our body moves controlling physical movements, walking, sitting, standing, twist, reach, bend and step. When hip flexors tighten it results in complications in ordinary healthy people.

Exercise Hip Flexors Benefits
According to Mike Westerdal national best selling fitness author, personal trainer, sports nutritionist, Iron Man magazine contributor reveals the secret to unlocking your hip flexors. Strengthening hip flexors through targeted exercises can impact physical fitness power every moment in your body for walking, running and stretching. Your hips are the bridge between your upper and lower body seamless connecting the psoas muscle to the hip and spine. 

The muscle attaches to the vertebrae to the lower spine through the pelvis connecting to a tendon to the top of the femur. It also attaches to the diaphragm. It also affects your breathing patterns and sits upon all major internal organs. Standing still also requires strong hip flexors to balance while stabilizing the body for long periods of time. Weak hip flexors can lead to complications in some individuals due to strain or injury.

Stretch Strengthen Hip Flexors
Damage to the hip area can vary in severity to minor injuries that may require physical therapy to more severe conditions whereas muscles fail to connect to the bone. Fortunately, there are great exercises that can stretch and strengthen hip flexors along with surrounding muscles to tone the entire body. 

Unlocking hip flexors using a variety of specific movements designed to loosen your hips, back, and legs combining exercises with the sequential flow method. Benefit the body loosening hip flexors with dynamic stretching sequences with core based stability exercises to gain flexibility.  

Finding Solutions Unlock Hip Flexors

Unlock hip flexor muscles using a sequence of exercises performed properly.  Activate the natural healing process improving flexibility, strength and physical energy following step by step instruction with the easy to follow the program. Discover 10 carefully selected sequential flow exercises designed to reach hip flexor psoas muscles using the coaching instructional videos along with Unlock Hip Flexors manual including detailed descriptions of exercise movements with pictures. Click Here for more details.  

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Patricia Lynn    
Images Courtesy of rawpixel at Pixbay

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